Choosing the Eye drops for VDT syndrome

I have used all kinds of eye drops on the market. Now I only use and recommend artificial tears eye drops

In my previous article, I talked about the best sitting posture, which causes back pain and can cause dry eyes, and is often correlated with VDT syndrome. 

This article will share some of my tips on helping with Dry Eyes.

  1. What is VDT syndrome?
  2. How to prevent Dry Eyes?
  3. How to choose the right artificial tears?

VDT (Visual Display Terminal) syndrome 

Computer and visual display terminals syndrome is gaining importance in this modern era because of the widespread use of technologies in our day-to-day life.

All video terminal equipment, such as mobile phones, computers, and iPads, will cause eye discomfort after watching for a long time. 

Various symptoms can appear, such as eye fatigue, dryness, itching, foreign body sensation, decreased vision, and the need to blink many times. 

There are many reasons for these symptoms, but dry eye syndrome and visual fatigue are the main suspects.

Dry Eye and visual fatigue can be highly correlated. Unfortunately, the two often happen together. 

Therefore, the main problem of long-term computer work is dry Eye and visual fatigue.

Dry Eye Prevention

Dry Eye is the relative lack of tears. For me, the leading causes of my dry eyes are not blinking enough and lousy posture.

It's just when I develop computer programs. I often focus too much at work and forget to blink or maintain a good posture.

The easiest way is to add tears is through artificial tears eye drops.

Artificial tears are a class of liquid materials that share some common components of our tears. 

The tears we produce by our body are very advanced. Even though it's only a thin layer covering our eyes, they are rich in nutrients and lysozyme, including oil, water, and protein. 

They can also provide oxygen to our eyes. 

It is so powerful that more and more eye doctors realize how important it is to have normal tears. 

Still, unfortunately, artificial tears can only play a small part of normal tears.

Generally speaking, the artificial tears on the market have relatively simple components: carbomer, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, polyvinyl alcohol, etc.

These are transparent substances with little viscosity that can be liquefied at body temperature. 

There is no perfect artificial tears brand, but I have my favorite after trying a few different brands. In short, find the one that is most comfortable for you.

How often should you apply artificial tears? 

The tear fluid on the surface of our eyes is circulating at all times. 

After it is secreted, it moves to the surface of the Eye. Then, a small tear duct from the lower eyelid near the nose will drain the tears into the nose. 

It can be imagined as a small shallow pond with water on the top and leaking water on the bottom. What is the volume of this small pond? T

I usually use artificial tears 3-5 times a day. 

If you feel your eyes pretty dry, you can increase your frequency accordingly.

There is no known study that multiple uses of artificial tears will make you addicted or have side effects.

When choosing artificial tears, it is usually recommended to buy ones without preservatives because long-term use of preservatives, even if the dose is small, it can actually make your Dry Eyes symptoms even worse.


Using artificial tear drops can help with your dry eyes.

But it won't fix all kinds of discomfort caused by video terminal syndrome.

Therefore, the more important thing is to change the way of work/life balance, going out and start moving is the best solution.

Working hard and having back pain? Try AI Posture Reminder, a AI Posture Reminder App on  Mac