Erase Your Buffalo Hump: Simple Exercises


Discover easy exercises to fix your buffalo hump for a healthier posture. Say goodbye to neck pain today!


This is an AI Powered YouTube Summary of How to Fix a Neck Hump at Home (FAST) | With FREE Exercise Sheet! by Milton Chiropractic Clinic Cambridge

Key Moments

00:00 Introduction to buffalo hump and its causes.

00:39 Presentation of three exercises to combat buffalo hump.

01:12 Detailed explanation of the YWTL exercise.

02:25 Introduction to the second exercise for neck hump reduction.

03:00 Final favorite exercise using a wall for arm slides.

04:05 Discussion on neck pain association with buffalo hump.

04:23 Encouragement for viewer support and additional resources.

04:34 Conclusion with a reminder for self-care and care for others.

Key Highlights

  • πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Introduction to buffalo hump and its causes like poor posture and rounded shoulders.
  • 🎯 Highlights the accumulation of fatty tissue at the base of the spine to protect it.
  • βœ… Offers hope by presenting three simple and effective exercises to address the issue.
  • πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ First exercise detailed: YWTL, focusing on stretching and straightening the thoracic spine.
  • πŸ”„ Encourages viewers to maintain correct posture throughout to prevent tension in the area.
  • πŸ’ͺ Second exercise involves pulling arms back with hands behind your back to squeeze shoulder blades.
  • 🌈 Third favorite exercise uses a wall for arm slides, aiming at targeted relief for the neck hump.
  • πŸ™ Requests viewers for support by liking, commenting, or subscribing to the channel.
  • πŸ“š Mentions additional resources for neck pain and stretches available on the channel.
  • πŸ‘‹ Concludes with a warm farewell and a reminder to take care of oneself and others.


Question: What causes a buffalo hump?

Answer: A buffalo hump is caused by the accumulation of fatty tissue at the base of the spine, often due to poor posture and rounded shoulders.

Question: Can exercises really help reduce a buffalo hump?

Answer: Yes, the video presents three simple and effective exercises specifically designed to target and reduce a buffalo hump.

Question: How long does it take to see results from these exercises?

Answer: Results vary, but consistency and maintaining correct posture are key. With persistent effort, improvements can be seen over time.

Question: Are there any precautions to take while performing these exercises?

Answer: Yes, ensure to perform the exercises correctly as demonstrated and be careful not to strain yourself. If you feel dizzy, especially during the wall arm slides, take a break.

Question: Can correcting my posture prevent a buffalo hump?

Answer: Correcting and maintaining proper posture is crucial in preventing the development or worsening of a buffalo hump.

Question: Is the YWTL exercise suitable for beginners?

Answer: Yes, the YWTL exercise is simple and suitable for individuals at any fitness level, focusing on stretching and strengthening the thoracic spine.

Question: What should I do if I experience neck pain while doing these exercises?

Answer: If you experience pain, stop the exercises immediately. Consider consulting a healthcare professional before continuing.