Fix Forward Head Posture in 4 Mins Daily!


Discover how to correct forward head posture with a daily 4-minute routine. Perfect for anyone seeking posture improvement.


This is an AI Powered YouTube Summary of FIX Forward Head Posture in 4 minutes | Exercises for Hunchback Posture by Dr. Jon Saunders

Key Moments

00:05 Introduction to correcting forward head posture beyond chin tucks.

00:51 Starting the routine with neck mobility warm-up exercises.

01:53 Moving on to the first strengthening exercise for posture correction.

03:02 Using household items like a towel for effective home exercises.

04:07 Demonstration of seated and standing positions for versatility.

04:17 Addressing hyper kyphosis with a pivotal stretching exercise.

05:18 Encouraging consistency and inviting viewers to subscribe.

Key Highlights

  • πŸ”„ Warm-up with simple neck mobility movements for immediate relief.
  • πŸ’ͺ Dive into strengthening exercises beyond basic chin tucks for long-term posture correction.
  • πŸ“ Learn how to assess your own forward head posture with a simple selfie test.
  • πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Introduce a yoga block or towel for a pivotal stretching exercise targeting the mid thoracic spine.
  • πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Demonstrations include seated and standing positions, ensuring versatility and accessibility for everyone.
  • πŸ” Emphasize the importance of consistency with a routine that's easy to incorporate twice daily.
  • πŸš€ Tips for engaging the right muscles during exercises to maximize benefits and prevent injury.
  • πŸ‘₯ Encouragement for viewers to subscribe and like for more health and wellness content.
  • πŸ•’ Highlight the routine’s time efficiency - correcting posture in less than four minutes a day.


Question: Can chin tucks alone correct forward head posture?

Answer: No, chin tucks alone will not correct forward head posture if done by themselves.

Question: How can I assess my own forward head posture?

Answer: Take a side selfie; if your ear doesn't line up with the middle part of your shoulder, this video will benefit you.

Question: What is the first step in the routine?

Answer: The first step involves warming up the neck with simple mobility movements.

Question: How long does each exercise take?

Answer: Each exercise should take about 10 to 15 seconds, with the entire routine taking less than four minutes daily.

Question: Can I do the routine standing up?

Answer: Yes, the exercises demonstrated can be done both seated and standing.

Question: What equipment do I need?

Answer: You might need a yoga block, a towel, or a foam roller for some exercises.

Question: How often should I do this routine?

Answer: For best results, repeat the routine twice back-to-back, two times per day.