Fix Upper Back Pain: Root Causes & Exercises


Discover the root causes of upper back pain and learn four unique exercises to alleviate it for good. Subscribe for more tips!


This is an AI Powered YouTube Summary of How to Fix Upper Back / Rhomboid Pain for GOOD (4 Effective Exercises) by Precision Movement

Key Moments

00:13 Introduction to upper back and rhomboid pain causes and exercises.

00:43 Discussion on the levator scapula muscle and its impact on rhomboid pain.

02:24 Explanation of the serratus anterior muscle's role in scapular stability.

03:58 The importance of thoracic spine mobility in preventing upper back pain.

06:12 Demonstration of the bent over rhomboid row exercise.

08:15 Introduction to the segmental thoracic mobility exercise from the ROM Coach app.

10:17 Showcasing The Wall Neck Side Bend exercise.

11:54 Explanation of the dissociation technique for shoulder extension.

15:30 Closing remarks and encouragement to subscribe for more content.

Key Highlights

  • πŸ” Identifying three common root causes of upper back and rhomboid pain, offering insight into why this pain occurs.
  • πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Introducing four unique exercises designed to address and fix the underlying causes of rhomboid pain effectively.
  • πŸ“š Reference to a 2022 study illustrating the interconnectedness of the levator scapula and rhomboid minor muscles.
  • πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Highlighting the importance of the serratus anterior muscle in maintaining scapular stability and preventing rhomboid overuse.
  • πŸ“– Discussing the role of thoracic spine mobility in avoiding upper back pain and the benefits of thoracic manipulation.
  • πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Demonstrating the bent over rhomboid row exercise aimed at activating the rhomboids to release tension.
  • 🧩 Sharing a segmental thoracic mobility exercise from the ROM Coach Mobile app to improve thoracic spine extension.
  • 🧘 Showcasing The Wall Neck Side Bend exercise for stretching and activating neck muscles, including the levator scapula.
  • πŸ’ͺ Exploring the dissociation technique for shoulder extension to correct anterior scapular tilt and activate the serratus anterior.
  • πŸ”‘ Offering practical, actionable advice on how to perform each exercise effectively to target and alleviate upper back pain.


Question: What are the common root causes of upper back pain?

Answer: The common root causes include tightness in the levator scapula muscle, dysfunction in the serratus anterior, and lack of thoracic spine mobility.

Question: How does the levator scapula muscle contribute to rhomboid pain?

Answer: When the levator scapula is short, tight, or weak, it can cause the rhomboids to compensate, leading to overuse and pain.

Question: Why is the serratus anterior important for preventing upper back pain?

Answer: The serratus anterior provides scapular stability during arm movements. Dysfunction can lead to rhomboid overuse and pain.

Question: How does thoracic spine mobility affect upper back pain?

Answer: Limited thoracic spine mobility can lead to poor posture and overworked rhomboids, resulting in pain and tension.

Question: What is the purpose of the bent over rhomboid row?

Answer: This exercise aims to activate the rhomboids, releasing tension and improving muscle function to alleviate pain.

Question: Can thoracic spine manipulation reduce rhomboid pain?

Answer: Yes, manipulation of the thoracic spine has been shown to decrease pain sensitivity and active trigger points in the rhomboids.

Question: What is the segmental thoracic mobility exercise?

Answer: It's an active mobilization technique that involves flexing and extending over a foam roller or yoga block to improve thoracic spine extension.

Question: How does the dissociation technique help with upper back pain?

Answer: It corrects the habitually associated movement pattern of anterior scapular tilt during shoulder extension, activating the serratus anterior.