Unlock Neck Pain Relief with Simple Techniques


Discover easy, effective techniques for neck pain relief you can do at home. Say goodbye to stiff necks with our expert guide.


This is an AI Powered YouTube Summary of How to Quickly Fix a Kink in Your Neck by The Physical Therapy Advisor

Key Moments

00:11 Ben Chato introduces the topic of neck pain and its common causes.

00:45 Introduction to the basic McKenzie chin retraction technique for neck pain.

01:07 Credits Brian Mulligan for the advanced neck pain relief technique.

01:27 Demonstrates how to identify the pain point and apply the advanced technique.

02:12 Details on the correct application of the technique to alleviate neck pain.

03:15 Advice on adjusting the technique if it increases pain.

03:34 Recommendation for the frequency of technique application for optimal results.

04:03 Closing remarks, with an invitation to follow for more tips and visit the website.

Key Highlights

  • πŸ”‘ Ben Chato introduces the video, focusing on common neck pain issues and solutions.
  • πŸ€• Discusses the familiar scenario of waking up with a kink in the neck or experiencing pain after exercise.
  • πŸ’‘ Highlights the McKenzie chin retraction as a basic method for alleviating some neck discomfort.
  • πŸ“š Credits Brian Mulligan for the advanced neck pain relief technique shared in the video.
  • 🏠 Emphasizes the technique’s usefulness as a home treatment for occasional neck issues.
  • πŸ‘ Demonstrates how to properly position fingers on the neck to assist in pain relief maneuvers.
  • πŸ”„ Explains the technique of rotating and pulling the neck to increase mobility and reduce pain.
  • πŸ‘€ Offers advice on how to adjust the technique if pain increases, underscoring the importance of gentle pressure.
  • πŸ”„ Encourages repeated application of the technique throughout the day as needed for sustained relief.
  • 🌐 Mentions additional resources available on his website and YouTube channel for viewers seeking more information.


Question: What is the McKenzie chin retraction technique?

Answer: A simple movement involving straight back chin retractions to alleviate minor neck soreness.

Question: Who is Brian Mulligan?

Answer: Brian Mulligan is credited for the advanced neck pain relief technique demonstrated in the video.

Question: Can these neck pain relief techniques be done at home?

Answer: Yes, the techniques shown are designed for easy use at home for personal neck pain management.

Question: How often can I perform these neck pain relief techniques?

Answer: You can perform these techniques multiple times a day, as needed, to maintain neck mobility and reduce pain.

Question: What should I do if the technique increases my neck pain?

Answer: If pain increases, stop the technique or reduce the pressure you are applying.

Question: Are these techniques suitable for all types of neck pain?

Answer: These techniques are primarily for local neck pain and may not be suitable for pain with other underlying conditions.

Question: Where can I find more tips and tricks for managing neck pain?

Answer: More information can be found on Ben Chato's YouTube channel and his website, the Physical Therapy Advisor.