Why Good Posture Hurts & How to Fix It


Discover why striving for good posture can be painful and learn effective strategies to improve it without discomfort.


This is an AI Powered YouTube Summary of Why Does It Hurt When I Try To Have Good Posture? by CORE Chiropractic

Key Moments

00:00 Introduction to the pain associated with good posture.

00:13 Explanation of how bad posture affects the body over time.

00:42 The role of X-rays in diagnosing posture-related issues.

01:07 Advice on taking incremental steps towards better posture.

01:32 The importance of stretching and strengthening for posture.

01:50 Discussion on the gradual improvement and patient approach.

02:09 Encouragement to seek help and closing remarks.

Key Highlights

  • πŸš‘ Understanding the pain associated with trying to maintain good posture and its common causes.
  • πŸ” Highlighting the negative impact of years of bad posture on the body and spine alignment.
  • πŸ“ˆ Discussing the importance of gradual improvement towards achieving good posture to avoid injuries.
  • πŸ’‘ Offering practical advice on improving posture incrementally through flexibility and strength exercises.
  • πŸ”¬ Explanation on how X-rays can reveal the reasons behind the discomfort caused by attempting good posture.
  • πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Emphasizing the need to strengthen back muscles and stretch front muscles for better posture support.
  • πŸ€• Addressing the potential long-term damage caused by poor posture and the time it takes to correct it.
  • πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Advice on incorporating chiropractic care and specific stretches into the journey towards better posture.
  • πŸ—“οΈ Stressing the importance of patience and persistence in the process of correcting years of bad posture.
  • πŸ“ž Encouragement to seek professional help if experiencing pain or difficulty in improving posture.


Question: Why does good posture cause pain?

Answer: Pain during attempts to maintain good posture often results from years of poor alignment and weakened muscles.

Question: How can I improve my posture without pain?

Answer: Gradually improving posture through flexibility exercises, strengthening back muscles, and taking incremental steps is key.

Question: What role do X-rays play in understanding posture-related pain?

Answer: X-rays can help identify misalignments in the spine that contribute to discomfort when trying to achieve good posture.

Question: How long does it take to correct bad posture?

Answer: Correcting bad posture can take years, depending on the extent of the damage and the consistency of correction efforts.

Question: Why is patience important in improving posture?

Answer: Due to the long-term damage caused by bad posture, gradual improvement and patience are crucial for effective correction.

Question: Can chiropractic care help with posture improvement?

Answer: Yes, incorporating chiropractic care along with specific stretches can significantly aid in the journey towards better posture.

Question: What should I do if I experience pain while trying to improve my posture?

Answer: Seek professional help to understand the root cause of your pain and to receive guidance on safe posture improvement practices.